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Biological organic fertilizer
1、 Product mechanism:   Bioorganic fertilizer contains Bacillus subtilis, which can inhibit the survival and propagation of harmful microorganisms, reduce the occurrence of soil borne diseases, stimulate the growth of crops, and improve the disease resistance of crops. Beneficial bacteria can loosen the soil, enhance the permeability of the soil, improve the structure of soil particles, improve the performance of water and fertilizer conservation, and improve the soil fertility. The nutrients are all-round and have multiple biological activities. After application, the quality of agricultural products can be significantly improved. It can be used to produce organic food and organic agricultural products and improve the competitiveness of agricultural products in the market.   2、 Product composition: Organic matter ≥ 40%. The number of effective living bacteria (Bacillus subtilis) is ≥ 200 million / g.   3、 Product efficacy: Activate and repair the damaged soil and improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil. It can activate and repair the soil acidification and salinization caused by the long-term use of livestock manure, chemical fertilizer and pesticide residues. It can completely improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil and form the organic fertile soil with water storage and air permeability. Increase the quantity of soil organic matter and beneficial microorganism, water and fertilizer conservation. Increase the quantity of soil organic matter and beneficial microorganism, water and fertilizer conservation. Kill harmful pathogenic bacteria, destroy insect eggs, purify soil, avoid deep ploughing, solve pesticide damage and completely eliminate soil borne diseases caused by continuous cropping. Activate nutrient elements and improve soil fertility. This product has high activity of Portuguese body. It can fix nitrogen, remove phosphorus, remove potassium, activate medium and trace elements fixed by soil, and greatly improve soil fertility by 30% - 50%. Stimulate crop growth and reduce environmental pollution. The product can enhance the activity of oxidase and other metabolism activities in the plant, stimulate the growth of crops, improve the activity of state tea, make the root system absorb more water and nutrients, achieve strong plants, more tillers, green color, thick and thick slices, developed root system, more and full seeds, sweep up the sweetness of fruits and melons; it can also degrade the toxicity of pesticide residues and reduce environmental pollution. It has a unique ability of drought resistance, cold resistance, lodging resistance and disease resistance to prevent rot and pests. Significantly reduce the use of chemical fertilizer. The utilization rate of chemical fertilizer can be greatly improved by using the product, and the consumption of chemical fertilizer can be reduced by more than 20%. Improve the output and quality of agricultural products. The quality of agricultural products is good, the output is high, the effect of income increase is obvious, and the environment is green. In addition to increasing production, the quality of agricultural products can be greatly improved. Such as reducing the rot of fruit trees, leaf spot disease, iron deficiency chlorosis of fruits and vegetables, cucumber downy mildew and so on. At the same time, it can also improve the sugar content and vitamin C content of fruit and vegetable.   4、 Suitable crops: Rice, corn, soybean and vegetable seedlings.   5、 Usage: Bottom application, hole application, top dressing, spreading, etc. More than 40 kg / mu and more than 60 kg / mu with diseases can be used more frequently, with better effect. The fertilizer utilization rate can be increased by more than 35% with the use of chemical fertilzer.
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Organic fertilizer
1、 Product mechanism:   Huali organic fertilizer is the product of the perfect combination of natural organic matter (livestock manure) and biotechnology. It is a strain used in production. It is a group of high-efficient organic material decomposition bacteria obtained by natural selection method, with strong biological activity and organic matter decomposition characteristics, which ensures that the livestock manure, straw and other organic matters in the production process are fully decomposed, and the fermentation temperature is at 60 ℃ Keep for more than 7 days, completely kill the eggs and weed seeds in the manure of livestock and poultry. The product is rich in a large number of beneficial microbial flora, which can enter the farmland with the application and spread of farmland, and can reproduce in the soil in a large amount, increase the content of soil organic nitrogen, promote the activity and effectiveness of phosphorus and potassium in the soil, break the soil hardening, play its role in nitrogen fixation, phosphorus and potassium removal, and improve the fertilizer utilization rate. It can also degrade the peculiar smell of the soil, degrade the heavy metals in the soil, inhibit the growth and spread of harmful bacteria in the soil, improve the disease resistance ability of crops, and improve the quality of crops; long-term use of this fertilizer can play a wonderful role in loosening fertile soil and improving the soil structure.   2、 Product features: Activated soil: organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and medium and trace elements, which can increase the reproduction of beneficial microbial flora in the soil, decompose the phosphorus and potassium in the soil, activate the soil, prevent soil hardening and chemical fertilizer residue from causing soil salinization. Drought resistance, water conservation and stubble resistance: organic fertilizer contains a variety of microbial communities, which continuously propagate and expand in the soil, effectively improving the porosity and permeability of the soil, so as to achieve the effect of drought resistance and water conservation. At the same time, under the effect of beneficial microbial bacteria and organic matter, it solves the year-on-year damage caused by irrational application of a large number of chemical fertilizers, and achieves the purpose of stubble resistance. Cold resistance, disease prevention and stress resistance improvement of plants: organic matter and beneficial microorganisms not only directly supply nutrients to plants and promote the development of plant roots, but also secrete hormones that stimulate plant physiological activity, produce substances that inhibit the production of disease sources, change the ability of plants to adapt to the environment, and improve the cold resistance, disease prevention and stress resistance of plants. Long term fertilizer effect, fertility improvement and fertilizer utilization: organic matter and beneficial microorganisms make the product have the characteristics of slow-release and long-term fertilizer effect, and effectively enhance the ability of soil fertilizer supply. Organic fertilizer can not only improve the utilization rate of other fertilizers, but also is a rare chemical fertilizer synergist. Green environmental protection and pollution-free: the application of the enterprise's products can enhance the photosynthesis of plants, promote the accumulation of nutrients, improve the quality of agricultural products, and have no chemical residues and pollution. It is truly a green environmental protection and pollution-free material.
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Organics decomposing agent
1、 Product mechanism:       According to the characteristics of low temperature after harvest and the basic requirements of temperature for microbial growth in the cold region of Northeast China, the technology introduced high-efficiency lignocellulose degradation bacteria from abroad and the strains independently developed by our company for compatibility and fermentation expansion culture, and developed the high-efficiency straw ripening fungus "Fung No.1".       The straw ripening agent of "Yufeng No.1" consists of three parts: low-temperature starter group, high-temperature fermentation group and nutrition activator. The bacteria contained in the agent can keep activity at 80 ℃, and realize straw composting at - 10 ℃. After returning the decomposed straw to the field, it can increase the soil fertility, improve the soil ecology, promote the crop growth, inhibit the pathogenic bacteria in the soil and reduce the soil borne diseases.   2、 Product features: The number of effective viable bacteria is more than 1 billion CUF / g. The temperature of the reactor can be increased to over 50 ℃ in 72 hours under the condition of 0 ℃ ambient temperature. The compound culture of strains is scientific and reasonable, and the species and proportion of strains can be allocated according to the nutrients of different materials, which has the characteristics of strong pertinence and short maturity time. It can save the use of glucose, sucrose, molasses, protein and other "detonators". Effectively kill the eggs and weed seeds, and eliminate the environmental pollution caused by straw burning. In the process of ripening, it releases available nutrients, and a large number of amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, enzymes, plant hormones, plant antibiotics and other substances to promote plant growth. 3、 Application effect: It contains decomposing bacteria, which can decompose hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, which are not easy to decompose, into inorganic components that are easy to be absorbed and utilized by plants, so as to promote the early emergence of seedlings, quick seedling initiation and easy survival of transplanting. Improve soil activity, avoid crop deficiency, inhibit the growth of harmful pathogens, reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and reduce production costs. Neutralize the pH value of soil, activate the soil, improve the soil strength, increase the permeability and water absorption of soil. It is a member of the natural ecosystem of plants, and plays a role of mutual promotion and mutual benefit when combined with agricultural measures.
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Kitchen waste treatment technology
Product introduction: According to the characteristics of domestic organic waste materials, such as high moisture content, high salt content and high oil content, using the high-efficiency microorganism active bacteria developed by the company, combined with the optimal design of kitchen waste treatment equipment, the residual solid is reduced by about 40-50% compared with the initial organic waste, no auxiliary materials need to be added in the treatment process, once in normal use half a year, so as to realize the harmless treatment of kitchen waste It is an intensive, resource-based and localized treatment method, and the output is organic fertilizer raw materials that meet the standards. The technology has the advantages of convenient operation, low cost and unattended. The waste water, waste gas and noise have all reached the environmental protection standard, which can realize the harmless treatment in the whole process.
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Remediation technology of low oil content soil
Product introduction:       In combination with Tianjin Institute of industrial biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the company adopted microbial remediation technology for low oil-bearing soil. According to the parameters of organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, loose degree and so on, the technology uses aerobic composting to add nutrients and inoculate composite degradation bacteria. Through the cooperation of dominant bacteria, the residual oil sludge was deeply degraded, and the oil content after degradation could reach below 0.4%, which is in line with the standard of agricultural land. Its main advantages: low cost of treatment, no damage to the micro ecological environment; small requirements for equipment and supply engineering, small quantities of engineering; suitable for large-scale soil pollution.
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Biological cleaning technology of sludge with high oil content
Product introduction: The company cooperates with Tianjin Institute of industrial biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to develop bio cleaning degradation technology (hereinafter referred to as BCD) based on the unique function of microbial metabolism of petroleum hydrocarbons. This technology is used to treat all kinds of oily sludge and the ecological restoration of oil contaminated soil. Aiming at the high oily sludge, the thermophilic bacteria is used for biological cleaning, which has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, low energy consumption and no pollution. The technology can not only effectively treat oil sludge, but also recover part of oil resources, and further use petroleum hydrocarbon degradation bacteria to carry out deep treatment of low oil sludge, so as to achieve the standard discharge.
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21 Nansan Road, Honggang District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

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